BG EM5ASW Euro Module 5A Round Pin Unswitched Socket - White

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BG EM5ASW Euro Module 5A Round Pin Unswitched Socket - White

  • 5 Amp Euro Power Module
  • Size: 50 x 50mm
  • Colour: White

The BG Electrical Euro Module EM5ASW is a white round pin unswitched socket, 2 modules wide and rated at 5A.

The EM5ASW is rated at 5A and thus is particularly suited to specialist lighting circuits around the home. Compatible with any BG Euro Module single front plate, it only takes up 2 modules of Euro Module space and so take up no more room than a regular socket.

To use, simply attach the desired front plate onto a suitable mounting box (minimum depth required 25mm), wire up the EM5ASW as you would a traditional socket, and then slot the module into the frame from the front until you hear a click. This holds securely but can be removed if needs be.

The EM5ASW is manufactured to BS 1363-2 to comply with national building standards. For peace of mind, it comes with a 25-year manufacturer’s warranty as per the entire BG Euro Module range.

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